Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Andy is in REMISSION! ( a note from Vanessa)

Hello Everyone,

Andy is in REMISSION!!! Sorry it took so long to write I have been juggling between the dr's offices and the hospital. (My Grandmother is out of ICU and will be recovering just fine)

The scans came back and all is gone except for 2 pin point spots in Andy's liver. The doctor's all agree that they think this is scar tissue and not cancer. They are treating him like he is in remission.

He will be getting 2 rounds of post-remission chemo. This is a smaller dose of chemo, which will help Andy wean off of the chemo and also to make sure that all is gone for good. He shouldn't get as sick as before. It will still be the same cycles 5 days on and 2 weeks off. He will start the post-chemo on Monday Oct 8th & 29th. Sometime in November we will have another scan to make sure that the 2 pin points have not changed and that all is still clear. From there we will be going into some kind of physical therapy so that Andy's muscle and lungs are able to handle working....and then we will resume regular life...yayayy.

The doctors call Andy their "Miracle."

Thank you everyone for being our miracle and helping us through this hard time....WE DID IT!!!!
